Kom verder / Onwards together
Kom verder bij Van Lanschot Kempen. De podcastserie waarin je onze mensen leert kennen en zij in gesprek gaan over hoe het is om bij ons te werken. Hoe je bij ons kunt groeien en wat wij jou te bieden hebben. Wil je meer weten? Ga dan naar werkenbijvanlanschotkempen.nl. Benieuwd naar wat onze andere functies jou te bieden hebben? Beluister dan de rest van de serie en abonneer je op dit kanaal.
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Onwards together: Van Lanschot Kempen. The podcast series where you get to know our people, who will be talking what it is like to work with us. How we help you develop and what we have to offer. Would you like to know more? Visit workingatvanlanschotkempen.com. Interested in what other positions have to offer you? Listen to the other episodes of this series, and subscribe to this channel.
Kom verder / Onwards together
Onwards together: Digital Innovation
Onwards together: Van Lanschot Kempen. The podcast series where you get to know our people, who will be talking what it is like to work with us. How we help you develop and what we have to offer.
In this episode, Nicole and Geert discuss why it is fun to work within the Digital department of Van Lanschot Kempen.
Would you like to know more? Visit workingatvanlanschotkempen.com. Interested in what other positions have to offer you? Listen to the other episodes of this series, and subscribe to this channel.